Especially for educators: How has COVID-19 impacted you?

By: CHAMP Staff*
The last several weeks have been about optimizing adaptability and flexibility—two key traits of resilient people. Another key trait is being able to tap resources, which often means learning from others. Our partners at the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS) are working to share that knowledge with you by reaching out to those who teach best—educators! If you’re a teacher (or know someone who is), check out the message below (or read it online). Consider contributing some of what you’ve learned about teaching during the pandemic.

Tell us about the Impact of COVID-19 on You, as an Educator

Dear Educator,
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed serious challenges to our health, well-being, and livelihoods, including the ways in which we educate students. As an educator, you are on the front lines of implementing new distance education programs, while also dealing with COVID-19 on your own home fronts. The Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress is interested in learning about your personal and/or professional experiences—both the challenges and successes—while providing education during the COVID-19 pandemic (read more about our work at

We would like to hear your stories. For example: What challenges do you face balancing work and home responsibilities?
  1. Which students do best with distance learning, and who has the most difficulty?
  2. What have been your biggest challenges/successes engaging students and/or staff?
  3. If you were to design and implement a distance learning program in the face of another pandemic or other disaster, what would you change and what would you keep the same?
Most importantly, we would like you to teach us—tell us something we are not likely to know—lessons learned, and/or anything else so we can learn from your experience.
Without providing personally identifying information, please provide some details about your role so we can contextualize your comments and experience, such as your position (for example, teacher, principal, administrative support, guidance counselor), years of experience as an educator, the age of your students (for example, preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, college), whether you teach in a public or private setting, and whether you work with special needs populations (for example, students with IEPs or 504 plans, in a low SES or Title III school).

Please send your comments via email to Your email address will not be shared. Your contributions will help us better understand the current impact of COVID-19 on educators and our education system. We appreciate your time and willingness to help us learn from your experience.

Visit HPRC’s HOPE* for Those on the COVID-19 Frontline section for useful resources to help you maintain your health and well-being. Share it with your students and their families too!

* The opinions and assertions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of USUHS or DoD. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. Mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. The author has no financial interests or relationships to disclose.